Junk Food Be Gone
Packaged junk food is made to be addicting. There’s a reason for this – the food companies actually formulate each bite for maximum craveability. This is done with a special tantalizing balance of sugars, fat and salt. But while junk food tastes pleasing…it will totally sabotage your fat loss efforts. Are you…
Read MoreFood For Thought
Have you ever thought about the intimate relationship your body has with the food you consume? Just think about it. You put it in your mouth… chew it, allow it to flow down your esophagus into your stomach where it will later be broken down and distributed throughout your body. During…
Read More5 Lifestyle Hacks
Want an easier way to lose body fat, increase your energy, sleep better, reinforce your immune system and just generally feel better all the way around…? Here are just five Lifestyle Hacks that you could make almost effortlessly to help improve your health. The fact is, everything from losing body-fat to long-term…
Read MoreWhat Really Matters…
One day I viewed a meme on Facebook that read, “Words Matter.” Then, a few days later, another quote: “Families Matter.” And, no doubt, you’ve heard, “Black Lives Matter.” Well, being in the health and fitness business, I decided to throw out a new one: “Muscles Matter!” This will probably…
Read MoreThe Hope Molecule
Have you ever heard of the Hope Molecule? It represents an effective way we can feel good during trying times. All we need to do is move our bodies. With so much uncertainty around the globe right now, taking steps every day to monitor and improve our mental state becomes…
Read MoreHow to Kick Sugar
Why is Sugar so Bad for You…? Well, for starters, sugar promotes rapid fat storage. But, there’s a lot more that sugars to negatively impact your physical wellbeing: Sugar Weakens Your Immune System Sugar Causes Insulin Resistance Sugar is As Addictive As Hard Drugs Sugar Speeds Up the Aging Process Sugar Raises…
Read MorePower-Up Your Routine
Here’s an advanced exercise recommendation that is so simple — yet it makes all of the difference when it comes to your results! Did you know that over 90% of “newbie exercisers” fail to achieve their goals — even after a full year of consistently exercising? This shouldn’t be happening. It…
Read MoreWhat Matters Most
Just consider how fast our days seem to fly by. We wake up. We start to think about the insane amount of things we need to get done. Then, just like that, the day is over. And, having the world at our fingertips doesn’t slow things down. It only adds to…
Read More21 Rewards
Today I just want to motivate you to take ACTION. I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I know all about your insecurities and how hopeless that can feel. The answer to your body frustrations is to get up and dive into some form of physical…
Read MoreHow to Strengthen Your Immune System… Really!
Let’s face it. If your life includes some or all of the following… Smoke Cigarettes or Vape Constantly Consume Fast Foods Sleep Less than 4 Hours a Night Drink Alcohol in Excess Do Recreational Drugs in Excess Do Prescribed Drugs in Excess Never Exercise Live Under Continuous Stress Maintain Excess Body-Fat 35%+ ……
Read MoreStress… The Great Reality Check!
Oh yes, if you’re past the age of five, you probably already know all about stress. No matter whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, male or female, stress is a part of your life. And, the more we tend to modernize our living, the more intense the stress becomes. …
Read More5 EZ New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy YOU!
Most people make New Year’s Resolutions. And, most people have a pretty tough time maintaining any of them. After years of failed resolutions past, why not make it a little easier on ourselves. What if we choose a few “little things” that will make our lives healthier? We’ll start with…
Read MoreThe Almighty Stretch
Stretching is easy to forget. That’s because the results are not as visible as a HIIT workout, a long run or weight-lifting. But the truth is, stretching is equally important as your workout. Stretching can benefit the body in many ways. it can: Help improve joint range of motion Decrease the…
Read MoreYour Healthy Grill
Summer time grilling is one of the most popular pastimes. Outdoor cookouts are a great opportunity to relax and visit with friends and family. But, did you know that the average barbecue meal exceeds 1,800 calories? For many people, that’s almost an entire day’s worth of calories — in one meal! …
Read More7 Effective Life Hacks to Create a New Habit
If YOU are my client, I think about you… a lot. I think about who you are and the lifestyle you live. I think about the daily habits you might follow and how they affect you — both positively and negatively. For example: Do you eat the same…
Read MoreSleep and Recovery
Recovery is crucial to maintaining and improving your physical performance and preventing injury at all levels of fitness training. Short-term recovery could encompass several different activities. It could be a low-intensity cool-down phase after a tough workout. Or, it could mean an entire “rest day” where the only activities might include walking, stretching…
Read MoreHow to Overcome Excuses
People who don’t work out always have a reason why. But except for a very few people who truly cannot exercise, these reasons are thin excuses. Working out is hard. It takes time, energy and sometimes gut-wrenching motivation and will power. Some days it is easy, but many days it is not. Fit…
Read MoreWhat To Do When You Don’t Feel Like It
Some days you just feel great and can hardly wait to get to your workout. You have lots of energy, lots of motivation and you really burn up the calories. Being physically fit is easy on those days; you do not struggle at all with making yourself exercise. But there are some…
Read MoreHow to Get Out of Bed for a Morning Workout
For many people, one of the toughest things about starting a new fitness program is finding the time to do the workouts. With schedules already filled to capacity, adding yet another activity can seem impossible. That is why many people choose to do their workouts in the morning. There are many…
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